Saturday 26 May 2012

Week 3 Day 2 - Morwenstow to Widemouth

Another gloriously sunny day but with a strong, at times gale force, wind blowing from the east. We leave the camp site at 0820, park up in Bude (£5 for the day) and catch the 0918 bus to Morwenstowe. Whilst waiting for the bus we get chatting to another guy in the bus shelter who, we discover, lives in Yeovil and is visiting his mother in Bude. He is a retired English teacher called Robin who did some youth work in the town and knows Pete Brier, the retired youth workers from Tinneys Lane in Sherborne. He is off by bus to visit his grand-daughter in Truro.

We are the only passengers on the bus out to Morwenstowe and arrive c0945 and walk out to join the coast path where we left it yesterday afternoon. We have several steep valleys to cross although they get successively lower in height as we get nearer to Bude. The strong wind is welcome as it keeps us cooler but tends to blow my hat off at every opportunity so my bald patch is exposed to to the sun!

We stop for elevenses at Duckpool where there are obviously people who have camped out overnight.

We discover a cafe at Sandy Mouth and have coffee and a toasted tea cake. Liz suggests we walk on to Widemouth after Bude to get some of tomorrow's walk under our belts in advance. We get to Bude c1330 and stop for lunch on the beach where the tide had gone right out and there are many families out enjoying the fine weather. The wind is still blowing hard and from time to time we get blasted with sand as we walk back to the car.

After an ice cream we set off along the cliff path to Widemouth. This is a much busier section of the coast path and we meet many people going in the opposite direction. We get to Widemouth at 1515 and miss the 1520 back to Bude whilst studying the timetable by the bus stop on the opposite side of the road! We have a drink in the beach cafe and wait to catch the 1621 coming from Crackington Haven. The bus eventually turns up 20 minutes late just as we are about to give up and start walking back to Bude.  Also on the bus are the couple who missed their connection at Hartland yesterday.

We visit Sainsburys on the way home and have a pleasant evening in the sunshine reading the paper and doing the puzzles.

Distance walked today on the GPS was 0.61 from Morwenstowe to the coast, 7.5 miles along the coast path to Bude and another 3 miles to Widemouth making 11.1 miles in all.

Distance completed today: 10.65 miles
Total distance completed: 127.4 miles (20.2%)

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