Friday 9 September 2011

Week 1 Day 5 - Combe Martin to Woolacombe

Our final day of walking for the week. We leave the car at Combe Martin and head off along the coast path which winds in and out of the many bays and inlets between Combe Martin and Ilfracombe. We pass through Sandy Bay and the view over Small Mouth near Briery Cave is spectacular.

We lose our way in a camp site near Watermouth Castle and are put back on track by the receptionist at the entrance. The tide is out so we can follow the beach path at Water Mouth. We go round Widmouth Head and almost end up back where we started after a mile of ups and downs. The path follows the main A399 into Hele Bay and we have another small headland to navigate before we descend to Ifracombe Harbour and a welcome cup of coffee in a very nice harbour coffee shop.

We are a dishevelled couple by this time. The path this morning has been quite muddy and both of us are sporting mud up the inside of our trousers nearly as far as our knees.

We stop for lunch at Lee Bay where the Lee Bay Hotel is boarded up and fenced off. There is a thunderstorm approaching as we eat lunch and we have to break off half way through to escape the rain. We shelter in a small cafe in the village and enjoy a cup of coffee.

There is one enormous crack of thunder as we leave Lee Bay and that is the last that we hear of the thunderstorm. The path from there to Morte Point, past the Bull Point lighthouse, is undulating and muddy in places. We arrive in Woolacombe just as the B1 bus to Ifracombe is about to leave and we manage to get on board.

We only have to wait 5 minutes in Ifracombe for a connection to Combe Martin and the car to take us back to camp.

In the evening, we have supper in the Queens Hotel in Lynton which is a lively place serving excellent pub food and excellent ales.

Distance completed today: 12.6 miles
Total distance completed: 54.0 miles (8.6%)

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